September is here and we are in the beginning of perhaps my favorite time of the year on this long fjord. Yes, we do call it a fjord since it is long and narrow spanning 62 miles long.  There are tons of Fjord Fly Fishing - Hood Canal Sea-Run Cutthroatopportunities right now throughout Western Washington waters. Saltwater Sea-Run Cutthroat on Hood Canal and Puget Sound, saltwater Coho in Hood Canal, and many rivers and streams are still open for angling.

The last few days have fished really well for Sea-Run Cutthroat on Hood Canal.  Clients have had an opportunity at lots of fish, and some large ones in the mix as well.  We are still finding fish deeper in the water column, so full intermediate lines or tapered sinking lines are to your advantage, particularly if you are fishing from a boat or personal watercraft casting towards shore and retrieving from shallow to deeper water.  One of my favorite lines is the Scientific Anglers Sonar Titan Type 5/Type 3/Intermediate.  This line sinks quick to slower and really gets down in the water column quicker than a full intermediate, therefore decreasing wait time to sink as you would experience with a full intermediate line.  This adds a lot of fishing time back into an anglers day, and is more efficient.  Another big bonus to this line, is that it doesn’t have the memory that other lines do, so clients are spending a lot less time untangling knots.

Wildlife has also been out in force on Hood Canal.  Eagles are a staple and we regularly see a Fjord Fly Fishing - Hood Canal Jelly Fishhandful each day on the water.  The porpoises have been quite active, and some coming in really
close to the boat to check us out.  I also, took this cool picture of this unique looking jelly fish.  We
see a lot of jelly fish in Hood Canal, but this one was really unique looking.

Coho salmon are moving through in decent numbers right now on Hood Canal.  Anglers looking to intercept of few of these should focus efforts on the first few hours of daylight, tide changes, and the last few hours of daylight Small Chinook Salmon - Caught and Releasedduring the day.  We witnessed quite a few Coho salmon yesterday moving through the area.  We also found a nice immature Chinook salmon that was interested in our flies.  He put up quite a battle, and was carefully caught and released.

Fishing will continue to improve for Sea-Run Cutthroat as fall progresses.  If you are looking to experience a fully guided boat style fly fishing adventure on Hood Canal, give us a call and we would be happy to show you what this gem called Hood Canal has to offer for scenery and fly fishing.Fjord Fly Fishing - Fish On!